9.0 Tame squirrels
I regularly get the question how tame Japanese lissen can get. Is it possible to keep a Japanese lis in the house? To hug it? To take on a walk?
Though it is disappointing, the answer is a simple ’no’. You cannot take your squirrel on a walk or cuddle with him. This is because squirrels aren’t pets, they’re hobby animals. The short meaning of this is that the living environment of a squirrel outside is in a spacious aviary and not on a leash or in a (small) inside cage. But Japanese lissen are still lovely active animals you can look at with joy all day.
The moment I come into my aviary, the tame squirrels climb on my legs or crawl under my coat. Although a Japanese lis in my experience can never get as tame as a different squirrel could, it is possible to let a Japanese lis sit on your shoulder, let them climb around your legs like you’re a tree and, if they let you, gently touch them. This is the most I have ever achieved. You can get them to take a nut out of your pocket. Especially right before feeding time this works better.
If you prefer an animal you can put on your lap and cuddle, it is advised to avoid disappointment and adopt another pet like a rabbit or guinea pig.