5.0 movement
Squirrels are real forest animals; it rarely dares to go form a tree to a bush. Climbing is of vital importance for them. This way he reaches his food, avoids enemies and he can build his nest in a safe place. His body is build and adjusted to a life in trees. His long bushy tail gives balance and functions as a steering wheel in jumps. On the strong hands and feet are long toes, complete with long nails for a good grip. For his length it is a light animal, which makes the jumping and climbing easier. The big eyes on the sides of the head gives him a wide field of view to detect enemies in time. At the end of the ears are in the winter and spring long hairs, that give him a perky look. The top of the fur and tail are dark grey to red brown. The belly side stands out sharply with a creamy white.
Source: Vereniging van Zoogdierkunde van Zoogdierenbeschermimg (VZZ) | Mammal protection