3.1 Nesting material
Nesting material in the nesting blocks is very important. Cotton, wool, hair and likewise materials are suitable as an isolation blanket and make for a warm and comfortable nest. Some squirrels are “neat” and sleep in the nesting boxes. However, other squirrels make it a hobby to transform the nesting box into a food storage. The latter is less fun, because this means you have to clean up their fun new addition. Otherwise the food lefovers and such create a source of unwanted fungus and vermin.
Around wintertime the squirrels will want to fill their nest with some extra nesting material. This means that they sometimes rob other nests to fill up their own living space. This is not a big problem, but take care that no squirrel is sleeping in an empty box. Regularly checking and possibly refilling is therefore essential.
Suitable nest materials are the following: coconut, sisal, cotton, jute and animal hairs (especially horsehair). Personally is use a combination of soft woodchips and processed sheep wool.
Want to buy nest material? Click on this page: https://www.eekhoorns.nl/c-5239646/nestmateriaal/